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Tier 2: Comprehensive Bundle

Image by Alex Block

Course Content

Everything in Tier 1 PLUS...

EMail Swipe File (14 EMails)

6-email pre-retreat and 8-email post-retreat sequences that save you hours of time and give your participants support and information along the way.

Sensory Grounding Toolkit

8 guided nervous system regulation exercises to keep participants calm, grounded, and emotionally present during KAP journeys.

Intention Working Worksheet

Help participants set clear, focused intentions at the start of the retreat for deeper transformation and buy-in.

KAP Ritual & Ceremony Guide

Elevate your KAP retreats with the Rituals & Ceremonies Guide, a comprehensive collection of 20 powerful rituals designed to bring sacredness, reverence, and intention to your retreat, complete with instructions.

Total Value!


Best Value

Tier 2



Comprehensive Bundle

Valid until canceled

Everything in Tier 1+

Email Swipe File (14 Emails)

Sensory Grounding Toolkit

Intention-Setting Worksheet

KAP Ritual and Ceremony Guide

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